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fluid of the body, which is the first material clothing to spiritual substance, and the first active essential in the body. The spiritual organization of man is similar, there being a spiritual body in which there are a like brain and nerves made of spiritual substance. This brain with its nerves constitutes the organ of the mind in the soul. So we can think of the soul as composed of the spiritual body, corresponding to the material body; of the mind, corresponding to the brain and its ramifications; and of the substance of its inmost activity, corresponding to the sensitive fluids in the nerves, which as an organism may be called the Inmost. The Inmost will be considered more in detail later. (Diagram II, page 155.)

That the soul is such a form, is evident from the perception that the body is a system of effects that never could have had existence except from a corresponding system of causes. Further and particular reasons in confirmation of the soul being such an organism will be given in a subsequent chapter.

Holding the idea of the soul, then, as an organism composed of substances of the spiritual world arranged in successive planes as the material body is formed from the material world, we are prepared to consider how the soul derives its life.

It has already been shown that God, the Crea-