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tor, is a Divine Person, The Man, in whom are all human elements in their infinitude. To account therefore for the life of the soul, it remains only to say that as the body ascends from the dead skin to the sensitive fluids of the nerves, which respond to the activity of affection and thought, so the spiritual body ascends from its grosser substance that lies next to nature to its organism of most pure and sensitive substances, called the Inmost, that are sensitive and responsive to the vital action and power in the Creator. In other words, as the body by means of its interior and high organization ascends to and receives its life from the soul, so the soul by means of its interior and high organization ascends to and receives life and power from God, the Creator and Sustainer.

The Creator Is Present In The Soul Not
Bodily, But By Influx.

The Creator is not present in the soul with His own Divine Substance, but He has so formed man that He can be present by communicated activity and life. This is illustrated in nature's methods. The natural world is a form ascending by successive degrees or planes to receive the sun's vitality. The body is a natural corresponding form of ascending degrees responsive to the