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vitalized planes in nature, and is thereby in communion with nature's powers. The sun actuates nature, and nature actuates the body. The sun is not present in nature with its own matter, but through the responsive aura, ether, and air it imparts its vitality to the ultimate earth, in which the body lives, and with which it is in Correspondence. The soul is a form organized to be in touch with the degrees of the spiritual world vivified by the Creator as the body is in touch with the planes in nature vivified by the sun. We have a universal pattern from which to think, one form illustrating another, and all confirming each; namely, that the body ascends by interior and successively higher planes or degrees in its organization to receive activity and power from the mind or soul; the soul likewise ascends to receive life and potency from the Creator; the natural world ascends to receive activity from the sun which receives activity from the spiritual world, and the spiritual world ascends to receive vitality from the Creator. The soul is a parallelism of the body, the spiritual world is a parallelism of the natural world, and the Divine Human of the Creator is a parallelism of the human organization; whereby the lower forms are in Correspondence with the Divine Human, and are sustained by the Creator.