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b is the Inmost, composed of substances responsive to the efflux from the Creator that it may receive the activities of human vitality from Him. The Inmost is superior to the mind that invests it, and that acts as its sensorium. Since the Inmost is superior to the Spiritual Mind and first receives the Divine Proceeding, it is placed coincident with the Divine Proceeding, B. Thus creation proceeded from the Creator to ultimates that it might return and be conjoined to Him.

The sun, if thought to form a continuous degree with the aura, would be represented in Diagram III by the aura, ether, and air wherein are its effects, and from which the earth is made. If it is thought that the sun does contain substance discretely superior to those of the earth's atmospheres, then it does not come down to the earth, and cannot therefore enter into the material body. It is not necessary, therefore, to represent the sun in this diagram.

There Are Two Forms Of Influx, From Within
And From Without.

We have in this diagram the means of a clear perception of the form of the universe and of man, as well as of how they are sustained. The Creator is, as it were, the center of the universe,