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in Whom is life itself. The universe is a series of incumbent atmospheres or substances successively lower until they terminate in the inert and implastic rock, which is the basis of creation. The diagrams represent creation in successive order, one degree being below another. This conception aids in thinking how creation comes forth. Creation in simultaneous order is represented by conceiving each plane in the diagrams carried completely around the Creator as a center, and all forming not an ascent, but one plane. This conception helps in conceiving how creation is sustained by interiors and intermediates being in ultimates, and acting as one with them. Activity passes from the Creator through the successive planes of the spiritual world to the sun, and thence, through the successive degrees in nature to the rock, which is the ultimate plane of reaction. The human form is made from the substances of the successive planes in the universe, and its planes are respectively in Correspondence with the coincident planes of the universe. Each plane, both of the universe and of the human form, receiving activity from the Creator, or from the next higher plane, acts as of itself into the next lower. The human form, or man, is therefore sustained by two general forms of influx: first, from the Creator into