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and concentration of existing forces according to law into external and natural conditions of matter. Such Divine volition and direction is no more a violation of the laws of the universe or of the nature of the Creator than the exercise of volition on the part of man is a violation of the laws of nature or of man's being. Nor have the laws of creation in any way changed, but the condition of nature having changed, the favorable field of their operation is found generally in organized forms rather than in the earth itself; and yet in thinking of the Creator as having will and understanding, they must not be thought of as two separate things as in man, but as a unit. Infinite will and understanding become one thing, which is life, the constant, unchanging endeavor of love itself, in which all things of orderly creation have ever existed initially. It is important to give the Divine will and understanding the attribute of infinity.

Variety Of Forms Originates In The Infinite
Potencies Of The Divine.

The creation of all forms by the same laws and from the same primary source of force, does not prevent variety. Variety arises from the infinite potencies that are in creative force, and that can therefore unfold out of it, and from the