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varying external conditions in which it operates. This is illustrated by the various potencies, traits, or essentials that are comprehended in the human life-force in there being no two persons exactly alike in features or character: nor can there be to eternity, for the conditions of parentage, gestation, birth, and subsequent education and experience could not be twice alike in even one particular. Creative force not only includes in it infinite varieties upon one plane, but as it descends through the successively lower planes of the universe, varieties in degree occur; hence there are varieties in character and also in degree or height of development, as are found in the classes of plants, animals, and men.

The Order Of Creation Was That Of Use,
Which Is Reflected In Both The
Human And The Divine

The earth at first not being in a condition to respond immediately to creative force in its higher tendencies, the activities in only the lower degrees of the spiritual world could find a basis suitable to the organization of matter into bodies. But so far as nature could, it did respond to creative forces, and through the creation of the lowest forms there was preparation for the higher. As