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may be observed in considering the forces that form them. It may seem at first like a far-fetched statement, yet it is true, that the force that in man produces successively sensual, scientific, rational, and spiritual truths, and by these love, operating in the plant seed brings forth respectively roots, branches, leaves, flowers, and lastly fruits. The Correspondence in man and plants originates in the fact that the life that forms man and is called human life descends to the plane of vegetation, and there operates upon the same pattern, and forms a plant that is a likeness of the human form. The relations existing between the roots, branches, leaves, flowers, and fruits are in all ways like those between sensual, scientific, rational, and spiritual truths and love. The tree is built upon its roots; its roots are grounded in the lowest things of nature, and from the roots are put forth branches; by these, leaves; by means of branches and leaves, flowers are formed; and by means of these, fruits are brought forth. Likewise man is built upon sensual truths of the earthly mind; they are the foundation of the superstructure of higher truths. By means of sensual truths scientific truths are obtained; by means of these, rational truths; by means of these, spiritual truths; and by means of these. Divine love is brought forth