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in man, which is the fruit of his life. So true is this that as we say a tree that bears olives is a tree of olives, it may be said that man is a tree of life or of love. Keeping the law of the Lord brings forth His love, for which man is created. Of those who delight in His law it is said, "He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. "

Again, life-force operates in man forming seeds whereby his kind is reproduced. In a similar way it forms seeds in plants for the reproduction of their kind. Because the life-force that flows from the Creator, and produces in man human love and seeds for reproduction, descends and produces fruits and seeds in the vegetable kingdom, it is said that there is Correspondence between man and plants. Because it is the same life-force, and since the creative or life-force is received by man in the highest degree, and thence descends forming all other things, there is Correspondence between man and every created thing. The life-force can not do other than produce in each thing formed an image of the Creator in a greater or less degree, and consequently every created thing is more or less an image of every other, and of the Creator, all being sustained by one current of life dividing into many streams. It is this relation existing between the Creator