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and the created that makes it true that "The invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead."

The doctrine of creation according to Correspondence, therefore holds that the first forms were produced by the Creator, who by influx from Himself impressed His image and likeness upon the substances of the spiritual world according to their nature and degree, forming seeds, which, through the adaptation of nature and by Divine thought and volition, became clothed directly from matter in forms in Correspondence with the interior forces. These seeds were immediately developed into living forms and to a self-sustaining degree; and through the continued reception of creative force, those living forms have perpetuated their kind. The material body became, as it ever is, the correspondential outbirth of the form within; and the form within, being shaped by forces from the Creator, took its organization from the endeavor of spiritual forces to reproduce His image, which image all things do in a degree present, as the universal unity of plan demonstrates. Consequently the form within reflects that kingdom of uses in the Creator, which the