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tinue until the power of evil should be greater on earth than the power for good that could come through angels, unless something was done whereby the arm of God could not be shortened. Such a time came. The power of evil when the Lord came was about to become such that no man could withstand it. Influx from the hells was so strong that evil was in the ascendancy upon the earth; and if redemption by a superior power had not occurred, the human family would have destroyed itself, like the obsessed who cast themselves into the fire, and who dwelt in the tombs. Now herein is the redemption. Jehovah the Creator assumed a human nature, and by permitting that human to be assaulted by the combined hells, He defeated and subdued the hells by Divine truth, and redeemed man. In subduing the hells He liberated man from the bondage of sin, and cast out evils, or the hells, as a ruling power, and put truth and love in the ascendancy and on the throne of the world. "Now is the prince of this world cast out." "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me."

Man's redemption now occurs by accepting this redemption, and by faith shunning evils and doing good in the acknowledgment of the fact that the Lord gives him strength to do so. By