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such faith the Lord is present in power, and by the operation of His Holy Spirit He regenerates and saves by lessening the desire for evils, removing them, and by giving happiness in loving and doing the truth.

The Word Is Perpetually Enlightening And
Enobling Humanity.

The Word from beginning to end at one time treats of the glorification of the Lord and of the regeneration of man. By history, song, story, fiction, fact, prayer, and symbol it forms imagery as a basis for true conceptions of spiritual realities, and its literal sense contains the truth essential for the right government of the external life. It continually shapes human thoughts after the pattern of spiritual forms wherein truths can operate and save. All human states and their relations to God are depicted in the Word. In this way the Word perpetually creates not only true conceptions of duty and of life's purposes, but also new hearts. The Word is not passing away as a sacred book, but silently it is weaving the entire fabric of enlightened thought, of forms of conception, of spiritual imagery, of ideals, and of faith, hope, and life. As the Word is obeyed, the External Mind is brought into Correspondence with the Internal Mind and with