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to man, He revealed the love of God which was in Him. "Having loved His own, He loved them" not only "to the end" of His natural life, but to the end of Infinite Love's possibility and service. He loved each one as though each were the only one. We know now that the nature of the infinite God is not cruel, or cold, or fluctuating, or arbitrary, or condemnatory; but that His nature is that of Jesus Christ, which was disclosed unto us by the life without sin, or surcease or limit of devotion, service, and self-sacrifice. Indeed, in Christ, God is revealed to be such a character that, if He could, He would renounce His throne in heaven, place man there, and serve him. So far as Jesus is comprehended God is understood, and He is comprehended by all who keep His commandments, because He is a self-revealing God to all who are within His laws. This is the essential truth of the Christian religion and of all revelation.

How The Word Is God.

That the Word is God is asserted in the Word. Because God reveals Himself through the Word, it is God, and the fountain-head of all enlightenment, the foundation of civilization, and the everlasting source of wisdom and love from God, the Lord. The Word ascribes its own origin to