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revelation, and proclaims all knowledge, even from the beginning, to have been obtained "as He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets, which have been since the world began." Materialistic science has demonstrated to the truly rational man the infallible truth of this. Science correctly concludes that the soul, the spiritual world, God, and interior causes are forever unknowable to its means of investigation. It is also evident from reason itself that revelation has been at all times the center and sole source of civilization, morality, and spiritual enlightenment.

The Word Is The Product Of Growth, And Is
Formed To Contain Infinite Truth And

The Word was no more an instantaneous creation than the earth itself. It was formed by gradual preparation and growth. Ancient allegory and fable and song were not all myth. Originally they were from the Spirit of God expressing truth in forms adapted to the genius of the people; thus came the ancient Word several times referred to in our Word, and in which was the Book of Jashur. The onward trend of the Spirit was to form eventually a complete Word of God adapted to all time, which should