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Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners.

of spirit, and considering that these frames were according to the nature of several scriptures that came in upon my mind—if this of grace, then was I quiet; but if that of Esau, then tormented. Lord, thought I, if both these scriptures should meet in my heart at once, I wonder which of them would get the better of me. So methought I had a longing mind that they might come both together upon me; yea, I desired of God they might.

213. Well, about two or three days after so they did indeed. They bolted both upon me at a time, and did work and struggle strongly in me for a while. At last that about Esau's birthright began to wax weak, and withdraw and vanish; and this about the sufficiency of grace prevailed with peace and joy. And as I was in a muse about this thing, that scripture came in upon me, "Mercy rejoiceth against judgment" (Jas. ii. 13).

214. This was a wonderment to me; yet truly I am apt to think it was of God: for the word: of the law and wrath must give place to the word of life and grace; because, though the word of condemnation be glorious, yet the word of life and salvation doth far exceed in glory. (2 Cor. iii. 8–12; Mark ix. 5–7.) Also that Moses and Elias must both vanish, and leave Christ and his saints alone.

215. This scripture did also most sweetly visit my soul: "And him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out" (John vi. 37). Oh the comfort that I had from this word "in no wise." As who should say, By no means, for nothing whatever he hath done. But Satan would greatly labour to pull this promise from me, telling of me; that Christ did not mean me and such as I, but sinners of a lower rank, that had not done as had done. But I would answer him again, Satan there is in these words no such exception; but him that comes, him, any him—Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. And; this I well remember still, that of all the slights Satan used to take this scripture from me,