Page:The Plays of Euripides Vol. 1- Edward P. Coleridge (1910).djvu/232

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[L. 567—625

The. Say what thou wilt; for thou art not silent as it is.

Her. Thou shalt never take the sons of Argos from our land.

The. Hear, then, my answer too to that, if so thou wilt.

Her. I will hear thee; not that I wish it, but I must give thee thy turn.

The. I will bury the dead, when from Asopus' land I have removed them.

Her. First must thou adventure somewhat in the front of war.

The. Many an enterprise and of a different kind have I ere this endured.

Her. Wert thou then begotten of thy sire to cope with every foe?

The. Ay, with all wanton villains; virtue I punish not.

Her. To meddle is aye thy wont and thy city's too.

The. Hence her enterprise on many a field hath won her frequent success.

Her. Come then, that the warriors of the dragon-crop may catch thee in our city.

The. What furious warrior-host could spring from dragon's seed?

Her. Thou shalt learn that to thy cost. As yet thou art young and rash.

The. Thy boastful speech stirs not my heart at all to rage. Yet get thee gone from my land, taking with thee the idle words thou broughtest; for we are making no advance. [Exit Herald.] 'Tis time for all to start, each stout footrnan, and whoso mounts the car; 'tis time the bit, dripping with foam, should urge the charger on toward the land of Cadmus. For I will march in person to the seven gates thereof with the sharp sword in my hand, and be myself my herald. But thee, Adrastus, I bid stay, nor blend with mine thy fortunes, for I will take my own good star to lead