Page:The Plays of Euripides Vol. 1- Edward P. Coleridge (1910).djvu/233

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my host, a chieftain famed in famous deeds of arms. One thing alone I need, the favour of all gods that reverence right, for the presence of these things insures victory. For their valour availeth men naught, unless they have the god's goodwill.

[Exit Theseus.

1st Half-Cho. Unhappy mothers of those hapless chiefs! How wildly in my heart pale fear stirs up alarm!

2nd Half-Cho. What is this new cry thou utterest?

1st Half-Cho. I fear the issue of the strife, whereto the hosts of Pallas march.

2nd Half-Cho. Dost speak of issues of the sword, or interchange of words?

1st Half-Cho. That last were gain indeed; but if the carnage of battle, fighting, and the noise of beaten breasts again be heard in the land, what, alas! will be said of me, who am the cause thereof?

2nd Half-Cho. Yet may fate again bring low the brilliant victor; 'tis this brave thought that twines about my heart.

1st Half-Cho. Thou speak'st of the gods as if they were just.

2nd Half-Cho. For who but they allot whate'er betides?

1st Half-Cho. I see many a contradiction in their dealings with men.

2nd Half-Cho. The former fear hath warped thy judgment. Vengeance calls vengeance forth; slaughter calls for slaughter, but the gods give respite from affliction, holding in their own hands each thing's allotted end.

1st Half-Cho. Would I could reach yon plains with turrets crowned, leaving Callichorus, fountain of the goddess!

2nd Half-Cho. O that some god would give me wings to fly to the city of rivers twain!

1st Half-Cho. So might'st thou see and know the fortunes of thy friends.

2nd Half-Cho. What fate, what issue there awaits the valiant monarch of this land?