Page:The Poetical Works of Elijah Fenton (1779).djvu/142

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Translations, &c.
Nor unobserv'd lay stretch'd upon the marle 655
Tityus earth-born, whose body, long and large,
Cover'd nine acres: there two vultures sat
Of appetite insatiate, and with beaks
For ravine bent, unintermitting gor'd
His liver, pow'rless he to put to flight 660
The fierce devourers! to this penance judg'd
For rape intended on Latona fair,
The paramour of Jove, as she sojourn'd
To Pytho o'er the Panopeian lawns,
Delicious landscape!—In a limpid lake 665
Next Tantalus a doleful lot abides;
Chin-deep he stands, yet with afflictive drought
Incessant pines, while ever as he bows
To sip refreshment, from his parching thirst
The guileful water glides. Around the pool 670
Fruit-trees of various kinds umbrageous spread
Their pamper'd boughs; racy the olive green,
The ripe pomegranate, big with vinous pulp,
The luscious fig sky-dy'd, the tasteful pear
Vermilion'd half, and apples mellowing sweet 675
In burnish'd gold, luxuriant o'er him wave,
Exciting hunger, and fallacious hope
Of food ambrosial:—when he tries to seize
The copious fruitage fair, a sudden gust
Whirls it aloof amid th' incumbent gloom. 680
Then Sisyphus, the nearest mate in woe,
Drew my regard; he with distended nerves