Page:The Poetical Works of Elijah Fenton (1779).djvu/143

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Aye rolls a pond'rous stone up a rugg'd rock;
Urg'd up the steep cliff slow with hand and foot
It mounts; but bordering on the cloudy peak, 685
Precipitous adown the slopy side
The rapid orb devolving back renews
Eternal toil, which he, with dust besmear'd,
And dew'd with smoaking sweat, incessant plies.
I last the visionary semblance view'd 690
Of Hercules, a shadowy form; for he,
The real son of Jove, in heav'n's high court
Abides, associate with the gods, and shares
Celestial banquets; where, with soft disport
Of love, bright Hebe in her radiant dome 695
Treats him nocturnal. With terrific clang.
Surrounding ghosts, like fowl, the region wing
Vexatious, while the threat'ning image stands
Gloomy as night, from his bent battle-bow
In act to let th' aërial arrow fly. 700
Athwart his breast a military zone
Dreadful he wore, where grinn'd in fretted gold
Grim woodland savages, with various scenes
Of war, fierce jousting knights, and havoc dire,
With matchless art portray'd; me straight he knew,
And, piteous of my state, address'd me thus: 706
"O exercis'd in grief! illustrious son
"Of good Laertes, fam'd for warlike wiles!
"Fated thou art (like me, what time I breath'd
"Ethereal draught) beneath unnumber'd toils 710