Page:The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.djvu/413

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afforded so much amusement. Never mind ; I dare say I shall manage to recollect it, in the course of half an hour or so."

The prim man arrived at this point, just as the glasses came back, when Mr. Bob Sawyer, who had been absorbed in attention during the whole time, said he should very much like to hear the end of it, for, so far as it went, it was, without exception, the very best story he had ever heard.

The sight of the tumblers restored Bob Sawyer to a degree of equa- nimity which he had not possessed since his interview with his landlady. His face brightened up, and he began to feel quite convivial.

" Now, Betsy," said Mr. Bob Sawyer, with great suavity, and dis- persing, at the same time, the tumultuous little mob of glasses that the girl had collected in the centre of the table ; " now, Betsy, the warm water : be brisk, there's a good girl."

" You can't have no warm water," replied Betsy.

" No warm water ! " exclaimed Mr. Bob Sawyer.

" No," said the girl, with a shake of the head which expressed a more decided negative than the most copious language could have con- veyed. " Missis Raddle said you warn't to have none."

The surprise depicted on the countenances of his guests imparted new courage to the host.

"Bring up the warm water instantly — instantly!" said Mr. Bob Sawyer, with desperate sternness.

" No ; I can't," replied the girl ; " Missis Raddle raked out the kitchen fire afore she went to bed, and locked up the kittle."

" Oh, never mind ; never mind. Pray don't disturb yourself about such a trifle," said Mr. Pickwick, observing the conflict of Bob Sawyer's passions, as depicted in his countenance, " cold water will do very well."

  • ' Oh, admirably," said Mr. Benjamin Allen.
  • ' My landlady is subject to some slight attacks of mental derange-

ment," remarked Bob Sawyer with a ghastly smile ; ** I fear I must give her warning."

" No, don't," said Ben Allen.

I fear I must," said Bob with heroic firmness. " I'll pay her what I owe her, and give her warning to-morrow morning." Poor fellow I how devoutly he wished he could !

Mr. Bob Sawyer's heart-sickening attempts to rally under this last blow communicated a dispiriting influence to the company, the greater part of whom, with the view of raising their spirits, attached themselves with extra cordiality to the cold brandy and water, the first perceptible effects of which were displayed in a renewal of hostilities between the scorbutic youth and the gentleman in the sanguine shirt. The belli- gerents vented their feelings of mutual contempt, for some time, in a variety of frownings and snortings, until at last the scorbutic youth felt it necessary to come to a more explicit understanding on the "matter, when the following clear understanding took place.

" Sawyer," said the scorbutic youth, in a loud voice.

" Well, Noddy," replied Mr. Bob Sawyer.