Page:The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.djvu/414

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" I should be very sorry. Sawyer," said Mr. Noddy, '< to create any unpleasantness at any friend's table, and much less at yours, Sawyer, — very ; but I must take this opportunity of informing- Mr. Gunter that he is no g-entleman."

" And / should be very sorry, Sawyer, to create any disturbance in the street in which you resrde," said Mr. Gunter, " but I'm afraid I shall be under the necessity of alarming the neighbours by throwing the person who has just spoken, out o' window."

" What do you mean by that. Sir ?" inquired Mr. Noddy.

" What I say. Sir," replied Mr. Gunter.

  • ' I should like to see you do it. Sir," said Mr. Noddy.

" You shall j^e^ me do it in half a minute. Sir," replied Mr. Gunter.

" I request that you'll favour me with your card, sir," said Mr. Noddy.

" I'll do nothing" of the kind. Sir," replied Mr. Gunter.

"Why not. Sir?" inquired Mr. Noddy.

  • ' Because you'll stick it up over your chimney-piece, and delude your

visiters into the false belief that a gentleman has been to see you. Sir," replied Mr. Gunter.

  • ' Sir, a friend of mine shall wait on you in the morning," said Mr.


'* Sir, I'm very much obliged to you for the caution, and I'll leave particular directions with the servant to lock up the spoons," replied Mr. Gunter.

At this point the remainder of the guests interposed, and remon- strated with both parties on the impropriety of their conduct, on which Mr. Noddy begged to state that his father was quite as respectable as Mr. Gunter's father ; to which Mr. Gunter replied that his father was to the full as respectable as Mr. Noddy's father, and that his father's son was as good a man as Mr. Noddy, any day in the week. As this announcement seemed the prelude to a recommencement of the dispute, there was another interference on the part of the company ; and a vast quantity of talking and clamouring ensued, in the course of which Mr. Noddy gradually allowed his feelings to overpower him, and professed that he had ever entertained a devoted personal attachment towards Mr. Gunter. To this Mr. Gunter replied that, upon the whole, he rather preferred Mr. Noddy to his own brother ; on hearing which admission Mr. Noddy magnanimously rose from his seat, and proffered his hand to Mr. Gunter. Mr. Gunter grasped it with affecting fervour ; and everybody said that the w^hole dispute had been conducted in a manner which was highly honourable to both parties concerned.

<• Now," said Jack Hopkins, " just to set us going again, Bob, I don't mind singing a song." And Hopkins, incited thereto, by tumul- tuous applause, plunged himself at once into 'The King, God bless him,' which he sang as loud as he could, to a novel air, compounded of the

  • Bay of Biscay,' and * A Frog he would.' — The chorus was the essence

of the song, and, as each gentleman sang it to the tune he knew best, the effect was very striking indeed.

It was at the end of the chorus to the first verse, that Mr. Pickwick held up his hand in a listening attitude, and said, as soon as silence was restored —