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XV The World of the Senses  230-274

To the Reader; False Reports Concerning My Religious Belief; Mind; The Scientific Man; The Natural Man; Death of the Natural Man; The Senses; How the Senses Are Deceived; The Senses and Language; Man's Identity; The Effect of Mind on Mind; Imagination; How the Opinions of Physicians Operate; Obstacles in Establishing a New Science; Mind and Disease; Do We Know All We Write or Say?

XVI Disease and Healing 275-322

The Reception of this Great Truth; Concerning Beliefs; Works the Fruit of Our Belief; The Relation of this Truth to the Sick; Parable; Answer to a Question; Cures; Is There Any Curative Quality in Medicine? Outlines of a New Theory for Curing Disease; Disease; Disease, Love and Courage; What Do I Impart to My Patients? Experience of a Patient; The Silent Method; Treatment of a Child; The Healing Principle; Health and Disease; Learning to Heal; Strength; Mind and Disease.

XVII God and Man 323-349

On Wisdom; The Christian's God; Man; Love.

XVIII Religious Questions 350-381

Defence Against an Accusation of Making Myself Equal to Christ; Religion in Disease; Jesus' Healing and His Message; Religon; The Effect of Religion on Health; Controversy About the Dead; The Resurrection; Another World; What is Religion; The Other World; Defence Against an Accusation of Putting Down Religion.

XIX Science, Life, Death 382-428

Science; Christian Science; Life; Man and Woman; Light; Death; Thoughts; Editor's Summary.

Appendix 429-438

List of Quimby's Writings. The Quimby-Eddy Controversy.

Photographic Reproductions of Manuscripts  443