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I Biographical Sketch 7-18
II History of the Manuscripts 19-26
III Quimby's Restoration to Health 27-35
IV The Mesmeric Period 36-48
V The Principles Discovered 49-62
VI The Intermediate Period 63-72
VII Early Writings 73-85

To the Sick in Body and Mind; Spiritualism and Mesmerism; Letter to a Patient; To a Patient; Mr. Quimby's Method.

VIII Contemporary Testimony 86-108
IX Letters from Patients 109-116
X Letters to Patients 117-132
XI Letters to Patients and Inquirers  133-151
XII Mrs. Eddy: 1862-1875 152-164
XIII Questions and Answers 165-178
XIV Christ or Science 179-229

Mind is Spiritual Matter; What is Disease? How does the Mind Produce Disease? Mind is Not Intelligence: Is the Curing of Disease a Science? Is Disease a Belief? Life and Disease; Disease; Love I; What is My Theory; Clairvoyance; Love II; How Dr. Quimby Cures; Another World; Your Position; My Theory; Establishing a Science; Two Sciences; Christ and Truth; Difference Between My Belief and Others; True and False Christs; Your True Position; My Religion; Happiness; Prayer I; Prayer II; How I Hold My Patients; How I Cure the Sick; Do People Really Believe What They Think? Jesus and Christ; Wrong Use of Words; Harmony I; Harmony II; Difference of Opinion About the Dead; Resurrection; A Communication; My Use of the Word Mind.