Page:The Rebellion in the Cevennes (Volume 1).djvu/210

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goes there?" "Zion!" replied the two guides; and some large birch-trees were pushed backwards, and made way on the narrow path. They passed through. "Where is Roland?" demanded they of the sentinels. "Up there," replied the latter, "under the great Apostle chesnut tree."

"We shall soon be there," said Stephen. They already heard a noise in the distance, talking, singing, and also clattering of iron; and now, when they had reached the summit of the wooded mountain plain, Edmond perceived many men in various groups, all brown and burnt by the sun, the greatest part of them in ragged doublets; some appeared to be praying, a few were reading, others were reposing on the grass, several were whetting their jagged swords or cleaning their guns, others were mending their vestments; many sang psalms. A tall wi1d-looking man advanced towards them, he walked up and down agitatedly with his hands behind his back, huge whiskers de-