Page:The Rebellion in the Cevennes (Volume 1).djvu/211

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scended on either side of his face, his hair was tightly drawn up to the top of his head; "Good day brethren," cried he, in a discordant voice, which Edmond immediately recognised for the same he had heard in the distance on the eventful night. "The hero Catinat!" exclaimed Favart, shaking the gigantic man heartily by the hand, "how fares it with you?" "I am accused brother," said the former, "and Roland will hold no intercourse with me until all his officers, Cavalier and the rest, have spoken respecting me."

"Where is Roland?" enquired Edmond, hastily. "It is he yonder, who sits with his bared neck under the chesnut tree," said Catinat.

Edmond perceived a man of slight figure and middle age, leaning against the trunk of the tree, who was looking quietly on the ground and smoking a short clay tobacco pipe; he had taken off a red silk neckerchief which lay by his side, and had loosened his waistcoat, so that his whole breast was