Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/149

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RECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION COMMITTEE OF DETAIL, IV taxation proportioned to representation 2. No (headpost) capitation-tax which does not apply to all inhabitants under the above limitation (& to be levied uniform) 3. no (other) indirect tax which is not common to all 4. (Delinquencies shall be be distress-- [illegible words]) 5. To regulate commerce (both foreign & domestic) 2. (no State to lay a duty on imports --) Exceptions I. no Duty on exports. 2. no prohibition on (such) (ye) Importations of (such) inhabitants (or People as the sevl. States think proper to admit) 3. no duties by way of such prohibition. Restrictions I. A navigation act shall not be passed, but with the con- sent of (eleven states in) {]d. of the Members pres- ent of) the senate and (?o in) (the like No. of) the house of representatives. (2. Nor shall any other regulation- and this rule shall prevail, whensoever the subject shall occur in any act.) -(3. the lawful territory To make treaties of commerce (qu: as to senate) Under the foregoing restrictions) 4. (To make treaties of peace or alliance (qu: as to senate) under the foregoing restrictions, and without the surrender of territory for an equivalent, and in no case, unless a superior fitle.) 5. To make war(: (and)) raise armies. (& equip Fleets.) 6. To provide tribunals and punishment for mere offences against the law of nations. {Indian Affairs) ? 7. To declare the law of piracy, felonies and capture s on the high seas, and captures on land. {to regulate Weights & Measures) ? n Marginal note.