Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/150

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RECORDS OF THE FEDERJ%L CONVENTION COMMITTEE OF DETAIL, IV 8. To appoint tribunals, inferior to the supreme judiciary. 9. To adjust upon the plan heretofore used all disputes be- tween the States (respecting Territory & Jurisdn) Io. To (regulate) (The exclusive right of) coining (money (Paper prohibit) no State to be perd. in future to emit Paper Bills of Credit witht. the App: o{ the Natl. Legisle nor to make any (Article) Thing but Specie a Tender in payrot of debts)"* Ix. To regulate naturalization I2. (To draw forth the) (make Laws for calling forth the Aid of the) militia, (or any part, or to authorize the Executive to embody them) (to execute the Laws of the Union to repel Invasion to inforce Treaties suppress inter- nal Comns.) 13. To establish post-offices ?4. To subdue a rebellion in any particular state, on the application of the legislature thereof. (of declaring the Crime & Punishmt of Counterfeitg ?5. To enact articles of war. x6. To regulate the force permitted to be kept in each state. (I 7. To send embassadors) (Power to borrow Money- To appoint a Treasurer by (joint) ballot.) TM I8. To declare it to be treason to levy war against or adhere to the enemies of the U.S. I9. (To organize the government in those thing% which) (Insert the ? Article) (All laws of a particular state, repugnant hereto, shall be void, and in the decision thereon, which shall be vested in the supreme judiciary, all incidents without which the general principles cannot be satisfied shall be considered, as involved in the general principle.) (That Trials for Criml. Offences be in the State where the Offe was cored- by Jury- and a right to make all Laws necessary to carry the foregoing Powers into Execu--) 2. The powers belonging peculiarly to the representatives are those concerning money-bills 3. The powers destined for the senate peculiarly, are