Page:The Rehearsal - Villiers (1672).djvu/14

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Enter Thunder and Lightning.

Thun. I am the bold Thunder.

Bayes. Mr. Cartwright, pr'ythee speak a little louder, and with a hoarser voice. I am the bold Thunder? Pshaw! speak it me in a voice that thunders it out indeed: I am the bold Thunder.

Thun. I am the bold Thunder.

Light. The brisk Lightning, I.

Bayes. Nay, you must be quick and nimble. The brisk Lightning, I. That's my meaning.

Thun. I am the bravest Hector of the Skie.

Light. And I, fair Helen, that made Hector die.

Thun. I strike men down.

Light. I fire the Town.

Thun. Let the Critiques take heed how they grumble, For then begin I for to rumble.

Light. Let the Ladies allow us their graces.
Light. Or I'l blast all the paint on their faces,
Light. And dry up their Peter to foot.

Thun. Let the Critiques look to't.

Light. Let the Ladies look to't.

Thun. For Thunder will do't.

Light. For Lightning will shoot.

Thun. I'l give you dash for dash.

Light. I'l give you flash for flash.
Light. Gallants, I'l singe your Feather.

Thun. I'l Thunder you together.

Both. Look to't, look to't; we'l do't, we'l do't: look to't, we'l do't. [Twice or thrice repeated.

[Exeunt ambo.

Bayes. That's all. 'Tis but a flash of a Prologue: a Droll.

Smi. 'Tis short, indeed; but very terrible.

Bayes. Ay, when the simile is in, it will do to a Miracle, I gad. Come, come; begin the Play.
