Page:The Rehearsal - Villiers (1672).djvu/15

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( 11 )

Enter first Player.

1 Play. Sir, Mr. Ivory is not come yet; but he'l be here presently, he's but two doors off.

Bayes. Come then, Gentlemen, let's go out and take a pipe of Tobacco. [Exeunt.

Finis Actus primi.


Bayes, Johnson and Smith.

Bayes.Now, Sir, because I'l do nothing here that ever was done before— [Spits.

Smi. A very notable design, for a Play, indeed.

Bayes. Instead of beginning with a Scene that discovers something of the Plot, I begin this with a whisper.

Smi. That's very new.

Bayes. Come, take your seats. Begin, Sirs.

Enter Gentleman-Usher and Physician.

Phys. Sir, by your habit, I should ghess you to be the Gentleman-Usher of this sumptuous place.

Ush. And, by your gait and fashion, I should almost suspect you rule the healths of both our noble Kings, under the notion of Physician.

Phys. You hit my Function right.

Ush. And you, mine.

Phys. Then let's imbrace.

Ush. Come then.

Phys. Come.
