Page:The Rehearsal - Villiers (1672).djvu/45

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( 41 )

Pret. Durst any of the Gods be so uncivil,
Pret. I'ld make that God subscribe himself a Devil.

Bayes. Ah, Godsookers, that's well writ!

Vols. Could'st thou that God from Heav'n to Earth translate,
Vols. He could not fear to want a Heav'nly State.
Vols. Parthenope, on Earth, can Heav'n create.

Pret. Cloris does Heav'n it self so far excel,
Pret. She can transcend the joys of Heav'n in Hell.

Bayes. There's a bold flight for you now! 'Sdeath, I have lost my peruke. Well, Gentlemen, this is that I never yet saw any one could write, but my self. Here's true spirit and flame all through, I gad. So, So; pray clear the Stage. [He puts 'em off the Stage.

Johns. But, Mr. Bayes, pray why is this Scene all in Verse?

Bayes. O, Sir, the subject is too great for Prose.

Smi. Well said, i'faith; I'l give thee a pot of Ale for that answer: 'tis well worth it.

Bayes. Come, with all my heart.
I'l make that God subscribe himself a Devil.
That single line, I gad, is worth all that my brother Poets ever writ. So, now let down the Curtain. [Exeunt.

Finis Actus Quarti.