Page:The Rehearsal - Villiers (1672).djvu/46

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Bayes, and the two Gentlemen.

Bayes.Now, Gentlemen, I will be bold to say, I'l shew you the greatest Scene that ever England saw: I mean not for words, for those I do not value; but for state, shew, and magnificence. In fine, I'l justifie it to be as grand to the eye every whit, I gad, as that great Scene in Harry the Eight, and grander too, I gad; for, instead of two Bishops, I have brought in two other Cardinals.

The Curtain is drawn up, and the two usurping Kings appear in State, with the four Cardinals, Prince Pretty-man, Prince Volscius, Amarillis, Cloris, Parthenope, &c. before them, Heralds and Serjeants at Arms with Maces.

Smi. Mr. Bayes, pray what is the reason that two of the Cardinals are in Hats, and the other in Caps?

Bayes. Why, Sir, because——— By gad, I won't tell you.

Smi. I ask your pardon, Sir.

K. Ush. Now, Sir, to the business of the day.

Vols. Dread Soveraign Lords, my zeal to you, must not invade my duty to your Son; let me intreat that great Prince Pretty-man first do speak: whose high preheminence, in all things that do bear the name of good, may justly claim that priviledge.

Pret. Royal Father, upon my knees I beg
Pret. That the Illustrious Volscius first be heard.
