Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/379

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The following incendiary order had also been given:

"Paris, 3 Prairial, year 79.

"The Citizen Millière, at the head of 150 men, with fusees, will burn the suspected houses and public monuments on the left bank.

"Citizen Dereure, with 100 men, is charged with the 1st and 2d Arrondissements.

"Citizen Billioray, with 100 men, is charged with the 9th, 10th, and 20th Arrondissements.

"Citizen Vésinier, with 50 men, is specially charged with the boulevards from the Madeleine to the Bastille.

"These citizens will arrange with the chiefs of the barricades in a manner to insure the execution of these orders.

"Delescluze, Régère, Ranvier, Johannard,
Vésinier, Brunel, Dombrowski."

A final attempt had been made to influence the soldiers in their favor, and the following notice was pasted on the walls of that part of the city still in possession of the Commune. It was the last ever issued by that body:


"Central Committee, 8 Prairial, year 79.

"Federation of the National Guard:

"Soldiers of the Army of Versailles:—We are fathers of families.

"We are fighting to prevent our children from being, one day, like you, under a military despotism.

"You will be one day fathers of families. If you draw on the people to-day, your sons will curse you, as we curse the soldiers who tore the entrails of the people in June, 1848, and in December, 1851.