Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/380

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"Two months ago, on the 18th of March, your brothers of the army of Paris, their hearts infuriated against the cowards who had sold France, fraternized with the people; imitate them.

"Soldiers, our children and our brothers, listen well to this, and let your consciences decide.

"When the watchword is infamous, disobedience is a duty!

"The Central Committee."

This proclamation, it is needless to say, had not the slightest effect on the minds of the soldiers, who were becoming every hour more incensed against "their brothers," and the atrocities they committed.

The Bourse had been occupied early in the morning by the soldiers of the line. In the Place Vendôme a body of cavalry, and a large number of troops who had taken part in the attack of the preceding night, were stationed, while from the Ministry of Justice and on the pedestal of the fallen column floated the tricolored flag.

The re-erection of the Column Vendôme had already been voted by the National Assembly during Monday's sitting.

After voting unanimously the following proposition, "The National Assembly declares that the land and sea forces and the Head of the Executive Power have merited well of their country," the following bill was presented by M. Jules Simon:

"Art. 1. The Column of the Place Vendôme shall be reconstructed. (Loud applause.)

"Art. 2. It shall be surmounted with a statue of France.

"Art. 3. An inscription shall mark the date of the destruction and that of the re-erection.