Page:The Road to Wellville (1926).djvu/47

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Cereals, Their Place in the Diet

"There’s a reason” for the universal diet of cereals and milk. Taken together, the right kinds of cereals and milk provide those fundamental food values which are necessary to sound nutrition. Since neither milk nor cereals can be depended upon as sources of vitamins C and D, other foods must supply them.

The vegetable protein of cereals is splendidly supplemented by the animal protein of the milk. Economy is served also, because cereals and milk supply a well-balanced meal at low cost.

Milk taken alone has some shortcomings. By happy coincidence, the shortcomings of milk are the strong points of the cereals. Cereals that contain the germ or bran, or both, are excellent sources of phosphorus, iron and the B vitamin. Together with milk, they will go far toward furnishing the day’s requirements. Cereals which have a considerable proportion of bran, supply the needed bulk to prevent constipation.

to Body Building
Grape-Nuts is a combination of wheat and malted barley, baked into loaves, then sliced, re-crisped by slow oven baking, and finally crumbled into tiny brown morsels of natural cereal sweetness, that come in sanitary sealed packages, ready to serve.

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