Page:The Road to Wellville (1926).djvu/48

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The Road to Wellville

Grape-Nuts provides vital elements for the health and growth of the body; dextrins and other carbohydrates, iron, phosphorus, protein, and the vitamin B. With this admirable combination of food elements, supplemented by the addition of milk. Grape-Nuts is a food of the highest nutritive value.

During the baking of the Grape-Nuts, the starch of the wheat and barley is thoroughly cooked, during which process most of the starch is converted into the easily digestible dextrins and maltose.

Grape-Nuts is a good source of the mineral iron. By consulting the table on page 28, it will be seen that it stands high on the list of the foods that are valuable as sources of iron—one serving furnishing eight per cent of that needed for the day.

Its phosphorus insures a mineral supply for the health of teeth and bones. Its proteins are necessary for muscle and body-building. The vitamin B it contains promotes health, appetite, and digestion.

As has been shown, thorough mastication of hard foods is essential to sound tooth development and maintenance. Only in this way is circulation in the inner part of the teeth and surrounding tissues assured. So, in addition to its many nutritional advantages, Grape-Nuts is valuable mechanically, for its crispness encourages thorough mastication, so necessary to the health and beauty of teeth and gums.

Think what a food like this means to the average housewife and mother! She plans the daily diet of her

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