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MORMONISM EXPLAINED.—The First Faith biblical—Spiritual Enthusiasm of the Elders—Establishment of a Literal Kingdom predicted—Polygamy not in the Original Programme—Mormon Errors attributable to the System and Leaders Argument of the Miraculous Power of Healing—Difficulty experienced in leaving the Mormon Church—Assumption of Infallible Priesthood—Mormonism summed up, 1

THE MORMON PROPHET—His Early Life—His Visions—His Personal Characteristics—An Angel reveals to him the Golden Plates—His Mission announced—The Story of the Stone Box, 8

THE GOLD PLATES.—Joseph translates the "Reformed Egyptian"—Martin Harris acts as Scribe—Professor Anthon pronounces the Characters and Translation "a Hoax"—A Prediction of Isaiah fulfilled—Satan and Mrs. Harris bring the Prophet into Great Trouble—Oliver Cowdery replaces Harris—John the Baptist ordains Smith and Cowdery—They baptize each other, prophesy and rejoice—Witnesses are chosen to testify to the Book of Mormon, 21

ORGANIZATION OF THE CHURCH.—Disciples receive the Holy Ghost—Ancient Apostles and Prophets revisit the Earth—Newell Knight is tortured by the Devil—His Experience claimed as the first "Latter-Day" Miracle—Judge Edmonds records similar Phenomena in Spiritualism, 30

THE FIRST CONFERENCE.—Parley P. Pratt and Orson Pratt converted—Missionary Enterprise begins—Elders sent to preach to the Indians—Sidney Rigdon converts his Campbellite Congregation—Saints commanded to gather in Ohio—Jackson County, Missouri, designated the "Land of Promise," 36