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SATAN THREATENS THE CHURCH.—He shakes and corrupts the Ohio Saints—The Youthful Prophet labours with Great Zeal—Missionaries evangelize the Eastern States—Smith and Rigdon behold a Great Vision—They are tarred and feathered—Go to Missouri and found a Newspaper, 41

MEETING OF THE PROPHETS.—Brigham Young sees Joseph Smith for the First Time—They rejoice together in Kirtland—Brigham speaks in "Unknown Tongues"—Joseph predicts the Southern Rebellion—He makes an Inspired Translation of the New Testament—Troubles arise between the Saints and the "Gentiles" in Missouri—The Disciples are driven from Jackson County, 44

THE PROMISED LAND.—"The Lord" calls for "the Strength of his House" to reinstate the Exiled Saints in Jackson County—Two hundred and five Elders respond—The Prophet becomes Commander-in-Chief of "the Armies of the Lord"—A Revelation promising Restoration to the Exiles—Joseph is the Man like unto Moses to lead them to Victory, 48

ZION'S CAMP.—The Prophet's "Army" marches to Missouri—A Great Storm—The Cholera desolates the "Strength of the Lord's House"—Utter Discomfiture of the Mormons—The Promises to restore the Saints to Jackson County a Total Failure—The Army Disbanded—The Saints sue for Peace—"The Lord was only trying their Faith"—They are to curse their Enemies—Anniversary Meetings of Zion's Camp—Dancing and Rejoicing, 52

TWELVE APOSTLES CHOSEN.—Quorums of "Seventies" organized—They go abroad and preach—Kirtland Temple finished—Dedication and Endowment—Joseph's Wonderful Vision of the Celestial Kingdom—A Second Pentecost—Brigham Young "Speaks in Tongues"—The Temple filled with Angels—Joseph and Cowdery are visited by Moses, Elias, and Elijah—They behold "The Lord"—Cowdery afterward apostatizes, 60

FIRST GREAT APOSTACY.—Joseph predicts about Brigham being President of the Church—British Missions projected as a Strategic Measure—One of Joseph's own Counsellors rebels against him—He is proclaimed "A Fallen Prophet"—Troubles again threaten in Missouri, 67

THE PROPHET BECOMES A BANKER.—Apostates and Capitalists bring him to Grief—Sidney Rigdon's Interesting View of a "Circulating Medium"—He assures Mr. Jones that the Bank Notes were never intended for Redemption—