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IN PRISON.—The New Year opens dark and dreary—The Mormons suffer—The Missouri Legislature consider the "Persecutions" of the Saints—Brigham Young flees from Missouri—Joseph indites an Epistle from Prison—The Prisoners indicted—They escape from Missouri, 115

THE EXILES FIND AN ASYLUM IN ILLINOIS.—The Prophet again at Liberty—Nauvoo selected for a new Zion—A City rapidly built—Brigham Young sent to England—The Saints importune Congress for Redress—Joseph visits President Van Buren—The Mormons still cling to the Promises of Zion in Missouri, 120

THE PROPHET'S POLITICAL LIFE BEGINS.—New Men gather round him—A reorganization of the "Quorum of the Apostles"—Another Temple to be erected—"The Lord" commands the Saints to build a "Boarding House"—Kings are invited to the Aid of Zion, 126

THE FICKLE FORTUNE OF POLITICS.—The Legislature liberal to the Saints—The Prophet becomes a Lieutenant—General Foundation of the Temple laid—Grand Military Display—Joseph at the Height of his Glory—Missouri seeks to re-capture him, 133

POLITICAL DIFFICULTIES.—The Prophet balances between the Whigs and the Democrats—The Neighbours of the Mormons become dissatisfied—Joseph charged with Designs upon the Life of Governor Boggs—He is arrested on a Charge of Treason—Ways that are dark—Governor Ford explains—The first Budding of Polygamy—The Beginning of the End—Serious Charges are made, 139

JOSEPH PREDICTS THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN ZION.—He designs to found there an Independent State—Becomes a Candidate for the Presidency of the United States—Assails Clay and Calhoun—Great Trouble with Apostates—Politics and Polygamy threaten to engulf him—The Nauvoo Expositor founded and destroyed—Writs issued for the Arrest of the Prophet—He resolves on Flight, 146

THE PROPHET SURRENDERS TO THE LAW.—The Governor pledges the State for his Safety—The Country intensely excited The Destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor a Fatal Error—The Militia in Arms—The Murder of the Prophet planned—His Enemies resolve to kill him while Governor Ford visits Nauvoo, 152