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LAST HOURS OF THE PROPHET.—The Presentiment of his Death—The Murderers—Their Attack upon the Jail—The Assassination of the Prophet, and the Patriarch—An Apostle shot—Thrilling Narrative of a Survivor—"Two minutes in Jail,"

POLYGAMY IN ILLINOIS.—Its Introduction among the Mormons—The "Revelation" given by Joseph Smith—The Sons of the Deceased Prophet dispute the Polygamic Marriages of their Father—They call for the Posterity The Promise of a "Righteous Seed" unfulfilled—Joseph without Issue by his score of Polygamic Wives—Married Women become his "Wives" without Divorce or Separation from their Husbands,

POLYGAMY REPUDIATED.—Joseph Smith and the Mormon Leaders deny it—The Revelations of the Church condemn it—The Sons of the Prophet defend their father's Reputation—The Evidences of his Polygamic Life,

AFTER THE PROPHET'S DEATH.—Sidney Rigdon delivered over to Satan—Brigham Young and the Twelve Apostles rule the Church—Mobocracy again rampant—The Expulsion of the Mormons demanded—The Saints agree to Expatriation,

THE EXODUS FROM NAUVOO.—The Hasty Departure of the Apostles—Journey to the Rocky Mountains—The Sufferings of the Exiles—Nauvoo besieged and bombarded—An Exile's Story—Colonel Kane's Narrative,

ON THE MISSOURI.—Enlistment of the Mormon Battalion—False Ideas about the Matter—Historical Facts—Elder Little at Washington—He is introduced to President Polk—Important Official Documents—Colonel Kane's Story—The Mormon Ball—Brigham receives the Volunteers' "Advance Pay"—Mormon Testimony in favour of Government—Brigham Young's Extraordinary Statements—The Government vindicated,

FOUNDING OF THE FRONTIER CITIES.—Brigham's first and last "Revelation"—The Departure of the Pioneers—The Discovery of Salt Lake Valley—The Return to the Missouri River,

CHANGES IN THE CHURCH.—Brigham Young assumes Joseph's Authority and Place—The Emigration from Europe re-opened—Migration of the Saints to