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the New Zion—Brigham invites Presidents, Emperors, Kings, Princes, Nobles, etc., to come to the Help of "the Lord"—The Pioneers en route, 262

THE CIVIL HISTORY OF UTAH.—The "State of Deseret" created—The Crickets destroy the Crops—A Miracle performed—Territorial Government extended over Utah—Trouble with the Federal Officers, 268

THE IRREPRESSIBLE CONFLICT BETWEEN THEOCRACY AND REPUBLICANISM. The Federal Officers in Utah—Some become Sycophants to the Priesthood—Some are defiant—Brigham Young a Second Time appointed Governor—Trouble with the Federal Judges—They leave the Territory, 279

THE "REFORMATION" IN UTAH.—Its Extraordinary Origin—Shortcomings of the Saints—"Jeddy's" Frenzy—Sinners rebaptized—Terrible Enthusiasm—Tabernacle Teachings—Doctrine of the "Blood Atonement"—Human Sacrifices commended—Erring Saints to offer up their Blood as Incense to propitiate Deity—Brother Heber declares that Brigham Young is God to the Mormons—Strange Preaching—Confessions of the Saints—Brigham's Casuistry about rebaptizing—Extraordinary Public Meeting of the Priesthood—A "Reign of Terror"—Shocking Outrages upon Citizens—Crusade against Intellect—Results of the Reformation—An Important Letter—What Brigham and the Leaders really said in the Tabernacle—Apostates and Gentiles threatened, 292

EMIGRATING TO UTAH WITH HAND-CARTS.—Mr. Chislett's Narrative—The "Divine plan" for Emigrating the Poor—Outfitting in Iowa City—Organizing the Company—Journey through Iowa—The Elders prophesy a Successful Journey—Brother Savage protests—"Inspirational" Counsel followed—The Carts break down—Cattle are lost—The Apostle Richards prophesies in the Name of the God of Israel—The Elders eat the Fatted Calf—Arrival at Fort Laramie—Provisions become scarce—Great Privations—The People begin to faint by the Way—Captain Willie's Bravery—The Winter overtakes them—Snow on the Mountains—The Sweetwater—Great Privations, Disease, and Death—Envoys from Salt Lake Valley—Provisions all gone—Captain Willie goes in Search of Aid—Terrible Condition of the People—Courage and Faithfulness of the Sufferers—Arrival of Timely Aid—A Thrilling Scene—Hope revived—"Too late"—Ravages of Death—A Hard Road—An Old Man's Death—"Thirteen Corpses all stiffly frozen"—Fifteen buried in one Grave—The ending of the Journey—Great Kindness of the Elders and People of Utah—The Pilgrims enter Zion—Sixty-seven Emigrants dead on the Journey—Greater Losses in another Company—Folly of Modern Prophecies, 311

THE MORMON WAR.—How it was inaugurated—Isolation of Utah—Carrying the Mails—Mormon Enterprise—Senator Douglas and the Saints—Anniversary Fes-