Page:The Salticidae (Spiders) of Panama.djvu/411

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Chelicerae. Vertical, parallel, of moderate size; basal segment .30 mm. long, excavated along medial border so that a small oval opening exists between the two. Fang moderately robust, evenly curved. Fang groove distinct; promargin with two teeth as usual; retromargin with an obscurely fissidentate tooth, visible as such only from certain angles.

Maxillae. Parallel, probably without minute tubercle at outer distal corner; otherwise as in male.

Lip. Slightly longer than wide. Otherwise essentially as in male.

Sternum. Longer than wide in ratio of 4 : 3. Otherwise essentially as in male.

Legs. 4123. Tibial index of first leg 21, of fourth leg 15.

Femora Patellae Tibiae Metatarsi Tarsi Totals
(measurements in mm)
1. .71 .37 .51 .37 .31 2.27
2. .58 .28 .32 .30 .26 1.74
3. .57 .28 .34 .32 .30 1.71
4. .90 .36 .51 .45 .32 2.54

Spines. First leg: tibia only ventral 2-2-2; metatarsus only ventral 2-2; elsewhere 0, tibial and metatarsal spines robust, long. Second leg: tibia ventral 0-1r-0; metatarsus ventral 2-2; elsewhere 0. Third leg: none observed. Fourth leg: metatarsus prolateral and retrolateral 0-1; elsewhere 0. No palpal spines.

Abdomen. Broadly ovoid, longer than wide in ratio of 14 : 11, widest a little behind the middle; other features essentially as in male.

Epigynum. Of moderate size; epigynal plate wider than long; with a very shallow posterior marginal notch having a broad rim; two strongly chitinized depressions nearly twice the width of one of them apart (Fig. 367).

Color in alcohol. Carapace: generally reddish brown, somewhat lighter than in male; eyes on black spots; white lanceolate hairs scattered over surface except for triangular area overlapped by abdomen which is smooth and devoid of hair; with no definite stripes. Palps yellowish white. Chelicerae light reddish brown; lips and maxillae nearly the same with whitish tips. Sternum brown. Legs: first pair generally reddish brown with tarsi and middle of metatarsi yellowish white and numerous short white lanceolate hairs on dorsal surfaces especially of tibiae and patellae; second and third pairs yellowish white with distal two thirds of femora dark brown except dorsal surfaces and dark brown distal ends of patellae, tibiae, and metatarsi; fourth pair