Page:The Salticidae (Spiders) of Panama.djvu/412

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with femora reddish brown except a narrow dorsal stripe, both ends of patellae reddish brown and also distal ends of tibiae and metatarsi. Abdomen: an indefinite central dorsal brownish stripe to beyond middle, then a large central dorsal spot anterior to anal tubercle; dorsolaterally a series of three poorly defined irregular reddish brown spots; laterally a series of narrow irregular oblique brownish stripes; venter with a broad brownish central stripe lighter through the middle and bounded on each side by a row of yellowish dots.

Type locality: Male holotype from Canal Zone Biological Area, Aug., 1936; female allotype from Porto Bello, R. P., Aug., 1936; several paratypes of both sexes from the Canal Zone Biological Area, June, 1936 and July 1939; El Valle, R. P., July, 1936; Porto Bello, R. P., Aug., 1936.

Zygoballus maculatipes Petrunkevitch, 1925

Only known from two females, one from Soná and the other from the San Lorenzo River region of Panama. The species has not appeared in my collection thus far.

Zygoballus optatus spec. nov.
Figures 368–372

As already pointed out, this species is the one identified by Mr. Banks as Z. rupifes Peckham.

Male holotype. Total length 2.60 mm. Carapace 1.38 mm. long, 1.09 mm. wide at level of PLE which occupy the full width of the carapace, .83 mm. tall and, therefore, about .76 as tall as wide; thoracic part gently arched from AME to just behind PLE from which place the steep declivity continues to posterior border in the typical manner for the genus; at the top the steep declivity only slightly concave; no median thoracic groove observed.

Eyes. Seen from in front, anterior row recurved so that a line tangent to dorsal borders of ALE cuts off about one fifteenth of the diameter of AME. Posterior row wider than anterior row in ratio of about 10 : 9, wider than middle row in ratio of about 17 : 14. Quadrangle of laterals wider than long in ratio of 25 : 18. Total eye space occupies twenty thirty-firsts of the length of the carapace. Ratio of eyes AME : ALE : PME : PLE = 15 : 8 : 2 : 7. AME nearly contiguous to one another and definitely so to ALE. Middle eyes closer