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AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY; or, the Natural History of the Birds of the United States. Illustrated with plates engraved and colored from original drawings from nature. With a sketch of the life of the author, by George Ord, F.R.S., &c., &c., with Bonaparte's continuation, containing the Natural History of Birds inhabiting the United States, not given by Wilson. With figures drawn, engraved and colored from nature, by Charles Lucien Bonaparte (Prince of Musignano). Complete in three volumes, imperial 8vo.; and a magnificent folio volume of carefully colored plates, embracing nearly 400 figures of birds, mostly life size. Elegantly bound in cloth, extra, beveled bds., gilt tops, uncut, $65.00; half Turkey morocco, marbled edges, $75.00.

A new and magnificent edition of this world-renowned work, printed from new stereotype plates, on the fittest laid paper, and bound in the best manner. The plates are printed from the original plates of Wilson and Bonaparte, engraved by Lawson, "the finest ornithological engraver of our age," and are carefully colored, after the author's own copies. The superiority of this work for accuracy of description and naturalness of drawing, has long been acknowledged. Daniel Webster speaks of it in the highest terms, saying that of the salt water birds, mentioned in Wilson, "he had shot every one, and compared them with his delineations and descriptions, and in every case found them perfectly accurate to nature." And the London Quarterly Review characterized it as "an admirable work, unequaled by any publication in the old world, for accurate delineation and just description." A moment's comparison of this work with any other on the same subject, will convince the most skeptical of its great superiority. As a specimen of American book making, it has never been surpassed, and, at the low price it is now offered, should be in any public and private library of any pretensions.

THE POETICAL WORKS OF ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING. Complete. Printed with large type, on laid tinted paper, and a fine portrait on steel. Two elegant volumes, 12mo, cloth, $5.00; half calf, gilt, extra, $9.00; full Turkey, extra, $12.00; crown 8vo volume, cloth, extra, $3.00.

The poems of Mrs. Browning have received the encomiums of the ablest authors and critics, and have assumed their place among the "few immortal names that are not soon to die." Few poets, surely no other woman ever wrote with the same vigor of thought, united with such delicacy of sentiment of feeling. With many she is decidedly preferred to Tennyson; for while she has the same happy turns of expression, and pretty conceits of language, she unites more strength and character.


MOTHER GOOSE IN HER NEW DRESS. A Series of Charming Sketches, beautifully chromo lithographed. This book will create a sensation. The distinguished authoress designed the original of this book as a birth-day gift to her father, who occupies one of the highest positions in the United States government, but several connoisseurs happening to see it were so struck by its merits, that she was induced to have it published. Mother Goose never looked so charming as she does in her present dress. Cloth, gilt, beautifully bound, with linen guards, $4.50.
THE HISTORY AND ADVENTURES OF DON QUIXOTE DE LA MANCHA. From the Spanish of Cervantes. With six full-page illustrations, by Gustave Doré. Large 12mo, cloth, extra, $1.50.