Page:The Sikh Religion, its gurus, sacred writings and authors Vol 6.djvu/421

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Farid, places have become empty and their occupants gone below ;
The wretched graves take possession of souls ;[1]
O Shaikh, say good-bye to your friends ;[2] thou must depart to-day or to-morrow.


Farid, death hath no more a boundary than a river[3] which washeth away its banks ;
When Death appeareth hell burneth in front ; terrible cries and sounds of woe are heard.
To some all understanding hath come ; others wander about recklessly.
Men’s acts in this world shall bear witness in God’s court.


Farid, the crane[4] sitteth on the bank of the river and sporteth ;
While it is sporting the hawk suddenly striketh it ;[5]
When the hawk of God striketh it, it forgetteth its sport.
God hath accomplished such things as could never have been conceived.


A body of three and a half mans is moved by water and grain ;
Man entereth the world entertaining high hopes ;
When the angel of Death cometh, he will break open every door ;
He will take man prisoner in the presence of his dear brethren.

  1. The Musalmāns believe that the soul remains with the body till its account is taken.
  2. Also translated—worship God. Some say this hymn was addressed to a disciple of Farīd. Farīd told him to worship God, as his sojourn in this world was uncertain.
  3. Literally—the boundary of death appears like that of a destroying river. Death does as much havoc in the world as a large tropical river during the rainy season to the surrounding country.
  4. The soul.
  5. Death strikes the soul.