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Section XVII.All municipal laws and ordinances made by mankind shall be in harmony with the fixed natural laws of God; and love to God and man shall be the highest law of earth.



WAR, famine and pestilence having wiped away the impure advocates of the devil's kingdom, and the deteriorators and dissipators of humanity having died, whilst Dr. Juno's indefatigable acts, war proclamations, orders and so forth, have compelled the balance to obey God's holy laws, which are for the joy and everlasting glory of all rational creatures alike; so now an entire new era has been established, and those who live, live to let live, live for health, for one another, for happiness, for glory to God and mankind; thus the Second Advent of Christ is everywhere manifest.

A new Eden is established; the image of God is enthroned; one continual Sabbath day is celebrated; the dressing of the garden of perpetual peace and innocence is the legitimate work of each man and woman; God is praised without ceasing; love is as free as the mountain air, and is ushered forth toward God and man from the abundance of the heart or depth of the soul.

The year of jubilee has come! Peace and good will to God and man reign supreme and on high! His will is done here, in earth, as it is in heaven! Dr. Juno and his beloved wife, Lucinda, sit regally clad in the habilaments of heavenly glory upon the throne of grace! They are the acknowledged victors and chief apostles of the Naturalists, who, in company with the happy sons and daughters of Victor and Lucinda, surround their father and mother, whilst the grandfather—General Washington Armington—in the sere and yellow leaf, daily asks blessings on the