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heads of all the children of earth, and the old man fairly worships his noble son and daughter, whilst the grandchildren dote on their blessed grandpapa.

Words cease to express the joy, the happiness and good will that reigns continually amongst all the people. There is more than plenty of everything to supply all their natural, real wants, and also plenty of time daily for all to gather together for mutual sociability and intuitive thanks giving to Him who has made everything for the whole people's good!

Every living mortal now sees the folly and sinfulness of the old barbarous orthodox customs, and they praise Dr. Juno, and the Almighty Creator for having been brought into the light of the hallowed Millennium!

The second coming of Christ which means the second appearing of God's righteousness in the shape of obedience to His fixed laws is consummated in full power and heavenly grandeur; and the immaculate and infallible spirit of Christ, or spirit of God's science of human life, holds sovereign sway and masterdom, which makes the earth a heaven, and inspires the temple of God with holy fire and heavenly zeal, baptizing all nations and peoples with power and grace divine!

Foreign countries are being hastily baptized with the same exuberant blessings, and a new heaven and a new earth have been established, for the old having passed away to make way for the second coming of Christ, and the hosts of the New Jerusalem are sounding their talismanic lyres with enchanting effect upon the minds of all the children of His footstool!

Peace and good will are not one tithe the blessings that surround the human family; but love to God and one another, magnified by thrills from the Holy Spirit, which enhances the pleasures and joys of earth so extensively that God's will has become the universal will of the people. Thus death is swallowed up in victory, and all rejoice in the transmission from earth to mansions in the skies.