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Says to Rollant: “Fool, wherefore art so wrathful?
All men know well that I am thy good-father;
Thou hast decreed, to Marsiliun I travel.
Then if God grant that I return hereafter,
I’ll follow thee with such a force of passion290
That will endure so long as life may last thee.”
Answers Rollanz: “Thou’rt full of pride and madness.
All men know well, I take no thought for slander;
But some wise man, surely, should bear the answer;
If the King will, I’m ready to go rather.”295



Answers him Guene: “Thou shalt not go for me.
Thou’rt not my man, nor am I lord of thee.
Charlès commands that I do his decree,
To Sarraguce going to Marsilie;
There I will work a little trickery,300
This mighty wrath of mine I’ll thus let free.”
When Rollanz heard, began to laugh for glee.



When Guenès sees that Rollant laughs at it,
Such grief he has, for rage he’s like to split,
A little more, and he has lost his wit:305
Says to that count: “I love you not a bit;
A false judgement you bore me when you chid.
Right Emperour, you see me where you sit,
I will your word accomplish, as you bid.



“To Sarraguce I must repair, ’tis plain;310
Whence who goes there returns no more again.