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Your sister’s hand in marriage have I ta’en;
And I’ve a son, there is no prettier swain:
Baldwin, men say he shews the knightly strain.
To him I leave my honours and domain.315
Care well for him; he’ll look for me in vain.”
Answers him Charles: “Your heart is too humane.
When I command, time is to start amain.”



Then says the King: “Guenès, before me stand;
And take from me the glove, also the wand.320
For you have heard, you’re chosen by the Franks,
“Sire,” answers Guenes, “all this is from Rollanz;
I’ll not love him, so long as I’m a man,
Nor Oliver, who goes at his right hand;
The dozen peers, for they are of his band,325
All I defy, as in your sight I stand.”
Then says the King: “Over intolerant.
Now certainly you go when I command.”
“And go I can; yet have I no warrant;
Basile had none nor his brother Basant.”330


His right hand glove that Emperour holds out;
But the count Guenes elsewhere would fain be found;
When he should take, it falls upon the ground.
Murmur the Franks: “God! What may that mean now?
By this message great loss shall come about.335
“Lordings,” says Guene, “You’ll soon have news enow.”


“Now,” Guenès said, “give me your orders, Sire;