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The King himself holds all by his command;400
From hence to the East he’ll conquer sea and land.”



Cantered so far then Blancandrins and Guene
Till each by each a covenant had made
And sought a plan, how Rollant might be slain.
Cantered so far by valley and by plain405
To Sarraguce beneath a cliff they came.
There a fald-stool stood in a pine-tree’s shade,
Enveloped all in Alexandrin veils;
There was the King that held the whole of Espain,
Twenty thousand of Sarrazins his train;410
Nor was there one but did his speech contain,
Eager for news, till they might hear the tale.
Haste into sight then Blancandrins and Guene.


Blancandrin comes before Marsiliun,
Holding the hand of county Guenelun;415
Says to the King: “Lord save you, Sire, Mahum
And Apollin, whose holy laws here run!”
Your message we delivered to Charlun,
Both his two hands he raised against the sun,
Praising his God, but answer made he none.420
He sends you here his noblest born barun,
Greatest in wealth, that out of France is come;
From him you’ll hear if peace shall be, or none.”
“Speak,” said Marsile: “We’ll hear him, every one.”



But the count Guenes did deeply meditate;425
Cunning and keen began at length, and spake
Even as one that knoweth well the way;
And to the King: “May God preserve you safe,
The All Glorious, to whom we’re bound to pray