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Proud Charlemagne this message bids me say:430
You must receive the holy Christian Faith,
And yield in fee one half the lands of Spain.
If to accord this tribute you disdain,
Taken by force and bound in iron chain
You will be brought before his throne at Aix;435
Judged and condemned you’ll be, and shortly slain,
Yes, you will die in misery and shame.”
King Marsilies was very sore afraid,
Snatching a dart, with golden feathers gay,
He made to strike: they turned aside his aim.440



King Marsilies is turnèd white with rage,
His feathered dart he brandishes and shakes.
Guenes beholds: his sword in hand he takes,
Two fingers’ width from scabbard bares the blade;
And says to it: “O clear and fair and brave;445
Before this King in court we’ll so behave,
That the Emperour of France shall never say
In a strange land I’d thrown my life away
Before these chiefs thy temper had essayed.”
“Let us prevent this fight:” the pagans say.450


Then Sarrazins implored him so, the chiefs,
On the faldstoel Marsillies took his seat.
“Greatly you harm our cause,” says the alcaliph:
“When on this Frank your vengeance you would wreak;
Rather you should listen to hear him speak.”455
“Sire,” Guenès says, “to suffer I am meek.
I will not fail, for all the gold God keeps,
Nay, should this land its treasure pile in heaps,
But I will tell, so long as I be free,
What Charlemagne, that Royal Majesty,460
Bids me inform his mortal enemy.”